Project Description
Wolverhampton JCP Case Study
How Peter was given a jumpstart to his career by attending “The Life You Want ©”
Losing your job has shown us to be one of life’s most stressful situations. Peter from Wolverhampton faced this challenge, he’d worked as a skilled carpenter for more than 30 years running his own business when a turn of events found him struggling to keep the work coming in. With his health deteriorating, his financial status and home life became compromised.
Finding the arthritis in his spine worsening, made it difficult to take on certain jobs. Being self-employed Peter became unsure of his future and direction. After a while the work dried up pushing him to sign on at his local JCP and claiming Universal Credit, filling his time by volunteering at his local church and offering his skills for a local pre-school.
On one particular visit to his JCP, his work coach suggested he attend a life changing breakthrough programme called ‘The Life You Want’ ©. which offered
Peter mentions he learnt new skills to prepare him for employment again, how to handle an interview, prepare his CV and how to approach
employers. Finding his motivation and confidence had increased, which had a positive effect. He was able to pick up a contract in a similar field, fitting at a work bench.
By juggling work commitments and continuing with the support from the Recro team it was discussed how Peter could teach his carpentry skills to others. He later explored that route finding success in a new position as a carpenters technician in a local college.
Still keeping in touch whilst accessing the aftercare and support of Caroline and John, Peter recognises how Recro have had a lasting impact and helped him find ‘The Life You Want’ ©.
Reflecting on Peter’s journey, John said:
“Whilst it was great that Peter was so keen to get back into work and managed to do so quite quickly, being back on the tools was going to be unsustainable for his body. We found a way to develop Peter’s belief in his communication and knowledge in an area where there was demand for his skills”.
Asked how he feels now, Peter replied:
“On top of the world! I have regular money again, I’ve been able to buy a car, I’m saving and I can have a laugh with the tutors”.
To learn more how Recro can benefit the employer and the long term unemployed head to:
Speak to John McDonough on M: 07837 663 969 or email: