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1005, 2022

How to use intrinsic and extrinsic motivation for workforce planning

By |May 10th, 2022|Categories: Press|

John McDonough, Managing Director of Recro Consulting writes for HR Zone, published on 29 April, the original post can be found here. How to use intrinsic and extrinsic motivation for workforce planning Only a third of UK workers say they are happy in their jobs. HR leaders need to better understand employees' motivators in order to help solve the retention issue. One of many sayings the motivational speaker and best-selling [...]

1005, 2022

How can we get jobseekers off carousel of poor-quality training and into work?

By |May 10th, 2022|Categories: Press|

John McDonough, Managing Director of Recro Consulting writes for the Northern Agenda for Manchester Evening News, published on 16 March, the original post can be found here. How can we get jobseekers off carousel of poor-quality training and into work? There is a lot of talk about levelling up - and nowhere is it more talked about than in the North/South debate - but no one seems to know quite [...]

2103, 2022

The Life You Want © – Somerset

By |March 21st, 2022|Categories: Recro Consulting|Tags: |

Project funded by: The Life You Want © - Somerset Course date and times Course start date: TBC Course length: runs over 2 weeks for 3 hours a day. Location: Online via Webex Details: Do you feel struck? Unmotivated? Lacking confidence? Unsure of what you want to do or how to achieve your goals? We are here to help you back into work and to get the life and career [...]

1502, 2022

We need to address wholesale systemic failure in employment and skills

By |February 15th, 2022|Categories: Press|

John McDonough, Managing Director of Recro Consulting writes for People Management, published on 15 February, the original post can be found here. We need to address wholesale systemic failure in employment and skills. The unemployment system needs levelling up in order to best serve those who need it most, argues John McDonough. At the CIPD conference in Manchester last November, David Lammy MP made the point that 50 per cent [...]

1502, 2022

The System’s Broken

By |February 15th, 2022|Categories: Press|


410, 2021

What does the Chancellor Rishi Sunak, think he’s getting for his money?

By |October 4th, 2021|Categories: Press|

What does the Chancellor Rishi Sunak, think he’s getting for his money? Rishi Sunak, the Chancellor of Exchequer, today announced the £500m extension of government action and said that the government was “literally throwing the kitchen sink” at helping people to find work. But is it true and what does he think he’s getting for his money? Or does he just want to spend some money? Who could tell him [...]

3009, 2021

Transparency of programmes in helping people get back into work

By |September 30th, 2021|Categories: Press|Tags: |

Recro calls for transparency of programmes in helping people get back into work As more than one million people come off furlough and no one yet knows how many are heading to their local Job Centre, Recro calls for all job seekers and all work coaches to have access to transparent data on the performance of programmes designed to help people back into work. The government is spending £billions to [...]

1509, 2021

The diary of a wannabe Kickstart employer…

By |September 15th, 2021|Categories: Recro Consulting|Tags: |

The diary of a wannabe Kickstart employer… I’m sure very few people will disagree with the idea of Kickstart but as ever, the devil is in the detail. Or the delivery, that comes from the detail, driven by the policy. I was on an ERSA round table last year with around 300 organisations, many of whom would be involved in Kickstart. As an employability and recruitment solutions expert, I had [...]

709, 2021

Is driving people to a state of poverty and desperation the most effective way to get them into work?

By |September 7th, 2021|Categories: Press|

Is driving people to a state of poverty and desperation the most effective way to get them into work? Last week, the Prime Minister received a letter coordinated by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, bearing an unprecedented 100 signatures from British organisations, all urging him to rethink the £20 cut in Universal Credit and Working Tax Credit. While there has been some coverage of this in the press, there is one [...]

2307, 2021

Minister says no extension to Kickstart but…

By |July 23rd, 2021|Categories: Recro Consulting|Tags: |

Minister says no extension to Kickstart but… Earlier this week at the House of Lords Youth Unemployment Committee, the Minister for Employment, Mims Davies said “It’s important that young people are at the heart of the economic recovery”. She was adamant about focussing on delivery of Kickstart and not an extension. Mims said “The next stage of Kickstart could write itself if we deliver this stage”. That means everything possible [...]

1405, 2021

Reflecting on a challenging time

By |May 14th, 2021|Categories: Recro Consulting|Tags: |

In Mental Health Awareness Week I thought I’d share our experiences of working with people who are out of work and looking for a new job. 2020 saw hundreds of thousands of people lose their job through no fault of their own. Getting over the shock and possibly anger is the first step but then they need to figure out what to do. Some may have a plan and others [...]

2903, 2021

Tips for job searching

By |March 29th, 2021|Categories: Recro Consulting|

Tips for job searching Looking for a new job? Here are our top tips to help you move forward in your career and life. Reflect Reflect, take notes of job aspects A good start before searching for a new job is to reflect and ask yourself – what do I want to do? Were you happy in your last role or is now time for a change? Take [...]

2303, 2021

Moving Forward From Furlough

By |March 23rd, 2021|Categories: Recro Consulting|Tags: , , |

Tips for coming back and moving forward from furlough It’s been a rough year with multiple lockdowns and uncertainties with businesses, many companies had no choice but to put staff on hold resulting in furlough. However, now things are picking up again and companies are ready to bring their staff back, you might be asking how you can prepare yourself to start work again. Here are our top tips to [...]

2011, 2020

Staffordshire and Derbyshire Rapid Return To Work© Programme

By |November 20th, 2020|Categories: Recro Consulting|

Rapid Return To Work© programme in Staffordshire and Derbyshire This programme is specifically designed for people who have recently been made unemployed or been out of work for less than 13 weeks and could benefit from some expert help and support to get back into work. It is light touch and fast paced, offering recruitment training and practical exercises including looking after yourself, identifying transferable skills and competencies and understanding [...]

1407, 2020

Swindon Employability Skills Programme

By |July 14th, 2020|Categories: Recro Consulting|

Get "The Life You Want ©" In Swindon - Personal Breakthrough, Motivation and Employment Programme This new and exciting programme in Swindon will assist people to change their life and develop amazing employability skills that will stay with them forever. Funded by the European Union Social Fund, it is an enjoyable, exciting and powerful programme that will assist you to change your life. It will: Increase your motivation and address [...]

1106, 2020

Coventry Employability Skills Programme

By |June 11th, 2020|Categories: Recro Consulting|

Get "The Life You Want ©" In Coventry - Personal Breakthrough, Motivation and Employment Programme Our new, exciting and powerful programme in Coventry will assist people to change their life and develop amazing employability skills that will stay with them forever. Funded by the European Union Social Fund, it is an enjoyable, exciting and powerful programme that will assist you to change your life. It will: Increase your motivation and [...]

1904, 2020

Youth Need Our Help – Enfield Dispatch

By |April 19th, 2020|Categories: Press, Recro Consulting|

The following article was printed in Enfield Dispatch. Seven years ago the Social Mobility Commission, which counted Baroness Tyler of Enfield as a member, found that "character and resilience" were the greatest determinants of social mobility. Neither are very tangible but both are essential, especially given the more recent report published by the Enfield Poverty and Inequality Commission (EPIC). Enfield Council acknowledges there is a problem, but how many involved [...]

112, 2019

Channel 4 Dispatches

By |December 1st, 2019|Categories: Press|

8 year old Courtney and her family live off £5 a day - they rely on a food bank to eat and wear coats to bed when there's no money for heating. This is Britain today, where more than 4 million children are growing up in poverty. — Channel 4 Dispatches (@C4Dispatches) November 30, 2019

2811, 2019

Chickens come home to loot

By |November 28th, 2019|Categories: Press|

It’s July 2010 and I’m sat in a community centre in Tottenham surrounded by some of their most hard to reach long term unemployed people, participants on the Families into Work Programme. We’ve been asked to delay the start as someone is running late. You can cut the atmosphere with a knife. There is an air about these people that is a combination of angst, anger, resentment, desperation, futility and [...]

2811, 2019

Is It Time For Employers To Take The Lead?

By |November 28th, 2019|Categories: Press|

Is it time for employers to take the lead and have more influence to get what they want from the welfare to work industry? Article Published on John McDonough, Director at the employability and recruitment solutions consultancy and training company, Recro Consulting asks: Employers To Take The Lead!   Entry level recruitment is big business and for companies who rely on it, it can have a significant effect [...]

2811, 2019

Is it time for employers to the take lead and have more influence to get what they need from the welfare to work industry

By |November 28th, 2019|Categories: Press|

Article Published on John McDonough, Director at the employability and recruitment solutions consultancy and training company, Recro Consulting asks: Is it time for employers to take the lead and have more influence to get what they want from the welfare to work industry? Entry level recruitment is big business and for companies who rely on it, it can have a significant effect on their business and its performance. [...]

2811, 2019

Introducing Recro Consulting

By |November 28th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

Hello Introducing Recro Consulting – we’re recruitment and employability specialists. Are you… • Struggling to attract the right talent? • Having skills shortages that are effecting your business? • Frustrated dealing with JCP, colleges, training providers and charities? • Needing to reduce your time per hire, cost per hire and improve retention? • Wanting to work with schools and open up work placements and CSR opportunities but struggle to get [...]

2811, 2019

Facilitator / Trainer / Coach

By |November 28th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

You’ve worked as a facilitator, trainer or coach for a while now. You’ve worked with a range of people which may have included anything from corporates, sports teams, students to disadvantaged and unemployed. You know how to facilitate a group, build the momentum, work the dynamics, overcome the objections and challenges. You inspire, helping to change people’s beliefs, thinking and build confidence, aspiration and motivation. You know you’re good and [...]

2811, 2019

Chippenham Candidates May 2019

By |November 28th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

Do You Need To Recruit People In Chippenham? Recro is an employability and recruitment solutions training company and consultancy. Our employment training courses are unique, we utilise personal and professional development, with recruitment, coaching and learning. We help employers hire and develop people and access a broader and more diverse talent pool. We’re currently working in Chippenham and interested in speaking to employers to understand their recruitment needs, including skills [...]




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