Hire for Attitude, Train for Skill. This is a common mantra for employers.
Recro helps leverage the needs of employers through the supply chain of employability schemes and works with employers to deliver the service you would expect from a preferred recruitment partner. This includes:
Recruitment Audit
A tool that looks at your supply chain, time per hire, cost per hire and retention levels.
The approach is similar to work that would be undertaken by a recruitment partner for RPO, managed vendor or tiered supply.
Its purpose is to look strategically and operationally at entry level recruitment, how it is conducted and how it could be improved. It looks at qualitative and quantitative data. The audit will measure performance levels, resource costs, attraction channels, partners and suppliers used. It will also identify any public funding, including training, that could be accessed for the employer.
Recro works with employers providing advice, support and solution design, helping them to get the best from welfare to work and skills providers.
Programmes can tie in with CSR and mentoring schemes and fulfil contractual obligations from public sector procurement, including section 106 requirements.
We offer a consultancy and brokerage service to employers working with the public sector to maximise job opportunities for local people. We are able to ensure requests are realistic and reasonable whilst helping make sure they happen, often achieved by working in partnership with the supply chain including JCP, colleges and other providers. We also work with local authorities helping them with their job brokerage and economic development schemes. This can be particularly useful to employers who are opening a new site and are subject to contractual obligations to hire local unemployed people
Many employers we speak to have difficulty hiring at entry level and are frustrated with the service they receive. They want to give young people and the unemployed a chance, but find it is often difficult to work with the welfare to work industry who seem unable to meet employers’ needs.
Hiring managers often lack confidence in the capability of the people put before them, suffer poor quality service, are sent unsuitable candidates and have to spend excess time sifting CVs. They have no wish to become social workers helping them solve life’s problems and just want reliable, motivated and committed individuals to do a job.
Making this work for you
We are leveraging the needs of employers whilst addressing what needs to be done with unemployed individuals around their motivation, confidence, aspiration, self-esteem and attitude. We also explain career paths and how recruitment processes work to create a solution that works for all.
We are using executive level personal development material in The Life You
Want©, a personal breakthrough, motivation and employment programme which literally changes people’s lives. We have had outstanding results, wherever we have worked across the UK.
Because we have created a paradigm shift in their confidence, aspiration, attitude and motivation, we are able to support them through coaching and mentoring and represent them with confidence to employers. This means we improve the calibre of candidates you see.
Candidates will be trained specifically to the employer’s requirements, supported with coaching and mentoring which continues once employment starts. This may also include sector specific training and we can work with a training partner you already work with.
This can link with mentoring, talent management and CSR schemes.