Get “The Life You Want ©” In Swindon – Personal Breakthrough, Motivation and Employment Programme
This new and exciting programme in Swindon will assist people to change their life and develop amazing employability skills that will stay with them forever. Funded by the European Union Social Fund, it is an enjoyable, exciting and powerful programme that will assist you to change your life.
It will:
- Increase your motivation and address any blockages
- Increase your knowledge of employment and careers and how to access them
- Increase your self-awareness, self-esteem and self-confidence
- Improve your health and attitude
- Help you realise your real potential
- Develop your confidence and aspiration and get a new lease of life
- Help you address personal issues that affect you or hold you back
You will get specific help to develop a career path, learn how the employment market works, different approaches and how to understand an employer’s perspective. The programme design is reality based, meeting people where they are currently in life and supporting them to grow in the areas that they choose.
This programme is about creating powerful, positive and lasting changes, individually tailored to the participant’s needs, wants and desires. We work respectfully with people to achieve life-changing results. Imagine the life you want and then live it!
Over 50% of people who complete this programme get a job (over 12 month support period). 80% – 90% of those stay in work and progress within the organisation or get promoted! Feedback from participants, employers and advisors is always that this is the most effective programme for getting the long-term unemployed into sustainable employment they have ever seen!
Given the current situation with COVID-19 the programme will be run remotely, so you will need access to a computer, laptop or a smart phone. Alternatively, we can dial you in on a normal phone.
Week 1: Mon 10th, Tues 11th, Wed 12th and Thurs 13th and Friday 14th August, 10 am – 12 noon
Week 2: Mon 17th, Tues 18th, Wed 19th and Thurs 20th August, 10 am – 12 noon. (A one to one appointment will be made in week 2 slots to be confirmed during the course). Ongoing support after the programme
This course will include mock assessment centres, competency-based interviewing, personalised and tailored support for a CV that will get you in front of employers and very different and highly effective job search tools and training. Clients will also receive a one to one, confidential coaching session where you can get specialist advice and help.
In addition, you will have access to a revolutionary new app which is proven to reduce stress and anxiety by 70% in 5 minutes, a simple but very effective psychometric questionnaire to help understand your preferences and communication style and what you’re most likely to be happy doing in work, register on the Recro jobs board and access to Recro careers clinic sessions run live on social media. Access to condensed, sector specific online tasters and training for industry recognised qualifications.
We have employers across a broad range of sectors who are keen to hire candidates from Recro who have completed “The Life You Want ©“. We can also proactively represent you to perspective employers.
Contact us directly on 0330 122 7015 to book your place on the course in Swindon (eligibility criteria apply).
For any queries contact: Caroline McDonough, Tel: 07802 347958 Email: