Tips for job searching
Looking for a new job? Here are our top tips to help you move forward in your career and life.

Reflect, take notes of job aspects
A good start before searching for a new job is to reflect and ask yourself – what do I want to do? Were you happy in your last role or is now time for a change? Take a couple days to think and plan your next steps.
A good thing to do, before starting to job search, is to write down all the aspects of the job you want. Points such as location, industry, salary and role requirements. Once you have written down all the features you can think of, a good next step is to order and mark them with ‘must have’ and ‘would like to have’. Be honest but realistic. There will be more opportunities, the more open you are.
Get organised

Organised, check everything is up-to-date
Now you have a better idea of what you want to do, now it’s time to get organised and plan. First thing to check and update is your CV and LinkedIn Profile. Make sure it’s up-to-date and correct. Be detailed but be careful not to drag on too much. There will be time to explain everything in interviews.
Once you have updated those two things. Now is the time to research. Get a feel for what is being posted now. Look at job boards, social media, company job pages and get in touch with one or two recruitment agencies.
When applying directly, keep it short and to one page. If you can, remember to personalise and address it to someone. If the job you’re applying for has put something as essential and you have experience with it then be sure to write a short paragraph explaining your knowledge in the area. It is usually enough just to say why you are looking, where you have worked, and why you have approached the company.
CV Visibility

Up-to-date CV is uploaded and visible
Remember that job searching isn’t all on you. There are many employers and recruiters who will be searching to fill their roles too. Make sure your up-to-date CV is uploaded and visible on:
- CV Library
- Indeed
- Reed
- Monster
- Recro Populus (Exclusive to Recro Consulting candidates)
- Specialist job boards in your area of interest
As well as doing this, it is a good idea to post on social media that you are currently looking for your next opportunity and join LinkedIn and Facebook community groups where you can see employers who are looking to hire directly and engage with them here. This also leads on to our next point.

Network, get in touch with potential helpers
There is no shame in putting out ‘feelers’ if you have contacts in your area of expertise, use them! However, it is vital to remember to not too abrupt – don’t just outright ask ‘do you have any job positions available’, people don’t like feeling used. Have a conversation with them, catch up and if the situation about work naturally arises then you mention how you are looking, that you’ve applied for a few good things and drop a line like ‘if you happen to have anything going at the moment you’d love to hear and interact more.’
It is also a good idea to ask those who know you whether they don’t mind putting in a good word for you. This approach also works well with LinkedIn ‘endorse’ function.

Interviews, keep answers relevant
Be positive. Looking for or changing jobs is not the easiest thing, but don’t let this turn into a relief session, no one wants to hear someone moan or hold a grudge about something they had no control over. Instead speak on how this has given you a chance to re-evaluate and provided an opportunity to explore your interests.
Keep your answers relevant to the question and don’t be afraid to ask questions about the role, the company’s product/services, customer base, company objectives and company culture, etc.
Coming back from furlough? Read our tips on how to help you prepare for work again: Moving Forward From Furlough
Recro Consulting offer programmes which aim to help and support unemployed people get the career they want by providing them with an understanding of what employers are looking for and how they fit in. These programmes provide motivation, confidence, encouragement and a changed mindset.